Cultural Tours
Selous River camp offers our guests the chance to experience the Mloka Village & our nearby Maasai Boma.

Masaai Boma Tour
$40 per person
Departs camp when you choose 1-2 hours - Outside Nyerere National Park
A traditional ‘boma’ consists of a variety of huts which are made of mud. The boma is usually surrounded by a circular “fence” of thick and thorny bushes to protect the tribe and their cattle from other tribes and predators.
This tour offers the opportunity to see how one of the oldest semi-nomadic pastoral tribes in East Africa live day-to-day. Traditionally live by herding cattle and goats, following patterns of rainfall over vast lands in search of grazing and water for their livestock, with much of their pastoral lands now protected or urbanized many family groups have settled in areas further south, such as this boma.

Mloka Village Tour
$25 per person
Departs camp when you choose 1-2 hours - Outside Nyerere National Park
Mloka village is located along the Rufiji river not too far from camp. The best way to learn about a place is from the people who live there, and this cultural tour will allow you to do just that. To experience a glimpse into the life lead by these wonderful friendly people.
You’ll gain an understanding of local life, getting to meet an eclectic mix of people, each practicing different cultural traditions. Many guides & members of staff in the nearby camps are from Mloka.